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Cutting Boards.


When youre looking for a general purpose cutting board, edge grain is the

way to go. It is more affordable than end grain, more durable than face grain and is the most resistant to moisture and stains of all laminating methods.

That’s why all of our essential cutting boards feature an edge grain construction.

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Edge Grain,

End Grain,

Face Grain? 

Face Grain.

Face grain is what you will typically see in household furniture and can be easily seen on the surface of tables. Consider a standard construction 2x4, the 4” side of the board is the “face”, the growth rings run mostly parallel to this surface. This wider face displays the unique intricacies of the wood but is more prone to damage than the edge.


Edge Grain.

Edge grain on the other hand would be the 2” side of the 2x4, the growth rings are perpendicular to the edge of the board and typically result in lines that are tighter, straighter and more substantial in numbers. These lines are important to the strength of the surface because the small lines are a denser area of the wood. The more lines within an area, the denser and stronger the surface.


End Grain.

End grain is, as the name implys, the end of the 2x4. This is the most common grain used for butcher block and is used around the world in both commercial and residential enviroments. End grain has self healing properties meaning that it will not show cuts as easily as edge or face grain. It also allows the knife to slice between the fibres rather than through them so knives have to do less work and stay sharper longer. End grain is however more susceptible to moisture and therefore typically requires more maintenance. 

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